Bro. A. J. McHardy, P.M.
Grand Treasurer,
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In February, 1957, the deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge made its annual visitation under Bro. R. T. Duthie, the Provincial Grand Master Depute. Again "1055" was proud of the fact that both the Provincial Grand Master and his Depute were P.M.’s of the Lodge. In his remarks at the end of the meeting Bro. Duthie stated that in his opinion the most satisfactory method of improving the attendances at Lodge meetings would be to have only one meeting a month instead of two as at present. The other night would thus be left free for visiting other Lodges.
This idea has of course, its merits. It would mean that Brethren could move throughout the Province and see the degrees being worked in other Lodges besides their own. This might stimulate an interest in the ritual and hence give a renewed interest in the Craft.
While on this subject of renewing interest in Freemasonry in general, the following information will be interesting to all those who are not in good standing with their Lodges. A ruling was made by Grand Lodge that Brethren will now be required to pay two years’ subscription at 10/- (ten shillings) (the new increased rate) and three years at 5/- (five shillings), if they are in arrears of five years or over. Therefore there is no real excuse for any Brother of any Lodge in Scotland who has fallen into arrears, not to redeem himself and thus regain his good standing in the eyes of his Lodge.
The presentation of the Diploma of Distinguished Service to Bro. A. Duthie, P.M. was carried Out on 15th. April, 1958. There was a large attendance of Brethren of "1055" and of other Lodges of the Province. The presentation was carried out by Bro. J. B. Miller, P.M., and the P.G.M. Bro. Miller thanked the R.W.M. for the opportunity of presenting the Diploma as he had known Bro. Duthie for a long time. In his reply Bro. Duthie thanked the Lodge for the honour it had done him and gave many interesting and amusing reminiscences of the period during which he had been attending the Lodge.
The last meeting of the Lodge before the break-up for the summer recess consisted of a Third Degree which was worked by Lodge Keith No. 56, Peterhead. The degree was worked in a very capable and efficient manner and this was another milestone in the history of the Lodge as this was the first occasion that another Lodge had conducted a Degree in the Lodge. The members of "1055" were also delighted at the fact that this historic degree had been worked by the oldest Lodge in the Province.
It had already been mooted that now that the Lodge had bought its own property, that something should be done about the interior and exterior decoration. The exterior decoration had been seen to and work was progressing in that direction. However, as the funds were running low it was decided by the R.W.M. and Brethren that some move in the direction of a sale of work should be attempted.
This, of course, necessitated the very ready compliance of the wives of the Brethren, and once a circular had been sent out explaining the idea, the response was truly magnificent. The ladies worked with a will and with such harmony that it seemed as if the Lodge belonged to them
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and they wished it to be as spick and span as possible. While some worked for the sale others organised raffles and whist drives which all helped to swell the funds.
In fact so great was the enthusiasm that the members of the Lodge realised that they would also have to do their share. A Jumble Sale was organised by them - again the wives turned up in force to help - and the magnificent total of £50 was made from this sale alone. The sale of work, which was opened by a mystery man who turned out to be Fred Martin, the Aberdeen and Scottish goalkeeper, was a huge success and boosted the money already earned to nearly £300.
With this money in hand the Lodge was completely re-decorated, tastefully and artistically. In fact anyone who has not seen it since the decorations have been completed should make a point in doing so and they will be very pleasantly surprised.
Thus the Lodge was ready for the Jubilee Year. Fifty years in existence may not seem very much to some older institutions and even to some of the Lodges within the Province. But this is our Jubilee, the Jubilee of "1055", and as such it must be celebrated in true Masonic Style.
In celebrating the Jubilee the Lodge got off to a good start, for on the very first day of 1959, in the New Years Honours List, Captain R. T. Duthie, D.S.C., P.M., was awarded the M.B.E. This is an honour very richly deserved, and it is very gratifying to see it being conferred on such a distinguished member of the Lodge. If this is an omen then this should be a very good year for the Lodge.
At the Installation of office-bearers for 1959, the Jubilee Year, the following were installed in their respective offices:-
R.W.M. | - | Bro. J. S. EWEN |
I.P.M. | - | Bro. G. R. ROBERTSON, P.M. |
W.S.W. | - | Bro. R. S. SIM, M.A. |
W.J.W. | - | Bro. A. TAYLOR |
Secretary | - | Bro. W. J. McHARDY, P.M. |
Treasurer | - | Bro. J. J. SMITH, P.M. |
Almoner | - | Bro. A. D. McLEMAN, P.M. |
Organist | - | Bro. R. C. STEPHEN |
S.D. | - | Bro. J. GRANT |
J.D. | - | Bro. J. S. TOSH |
I.G. | - | Bro. J. DUTHIE |
B.B. | - | Bro. W. MAY |
1st. Steward | - | Bro. H. THOMSON |
2nd. Steward | - | Bro. J. STEPHEN |
Tyler | - | Bro. A. CARDNO, P.M. |
Auditors | - | Bro. G. W. BISSET, P.M. |
- | Bro. R. C. STEPHEN | |
D. of C. | - | Bro. G. W. BISSET, P.M. |
Enquiry Comm. | - | Bro. A. FERGUSON, P.M. |
- | Bro. G. CAMPBELL, P.M. | |
D.M. | - | Bro. R. T. DUTHIE, M.B.E., D.S.C., P.M. |
S.M. | - | Bro. A. McKENZIE, P.M. |
Chaplain | - | Bro. W. CARDNO |
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To these the well-being of the Lodge for the ensuing twelve months falls, and if they continue in the tradition which has been established then the Lodge will continue to advance in stature.
The Lodge began in a very humble way through the enthusiasm for the Craft by certain people in Fraserburgh. Through this short history we have tried to trace the ups and downs of the Lodge, and that in its earlier years we can see that the Lodge had its trials and tribulations.
However, these are all past. The Lodge has now gone from strength to strength. It has produced men who have risen to Masonic honour and position. It has been served by men in all walks of life, and never has it been let down in any way. Its ceremonies have always been praised by all who have witnessed them.
This, as members of "1055", we can assure you is no boast. It is simply pride in our Lodge.
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